Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is linear DC analysis?

DC analysis in general (linear and nonlinear) is used to evaluate the steady state DC voltages and DC currents in the circuit.

During DC analysis
  1. Sinusoidal voltage sources and inductors are considered to be short circuits because the DC voltage across them must be zero.
  2. Sinusoidal current sources and capacitors are considered to be open circuits because the DC current through them must be zero.

Linear DC analysis is a special case of DC analysis where the circuit to be analyzed is made up of linear circuit elements.
In the context of DC analysis, a two-terminal element is linear if the relationship between the DC voltage across the element and the DC current through the element can be described by a linear equation.
The following I-V curves show that the ideal resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage sources, and current sources are all linear elements.

Remember that the voltages and currents represented by the axes are DC voltages and DC currents.

For elements having more than two terminals, an element is linear if the relationships between DC currents and/or DC voltages imposed by the element can be described by a set of linear equations.
The current controlled voltage source for example is a linear element because the two equations describing its I-V behavior are linear.

To conclude, linear DC analysis is used to evaluate the steady state DC currents and DC voltages for a linear circuit.

My first simulator will perform linear DC analysis and linear DC analysis only.

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