Saturday, September 13, 2008

High-Level Statements and Decisions


Build my own circuit simulator.


I have very little knowledge of computerized circuit analysis and I am relatively new to programming.

Programming Language

The GUI will be built using Microsoft's new presentation framework: WPF.

Technical Resources
  • For circuit analysis algorithms

    1. Electronic Circuit & System Simulation Methods
      by T.L. Pillage, R.A. Rohrer, and C. Visweswariah

    2. Computer Methods for Circuit Analysis an Design
      by Jiri Vlach and Kishore Singhal

  • Programming resources

    1. Visual C# 2005 How to Program
      by H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel

    2. Programming WPF, 2nd edition
      by Chris Sells and Ian Griffiths

    3. Microsoft's official documentation of the C# programming language and the .Net framework.


  • I will use Visual C# 2008 Express (SP1) to build my first simulator. I might get the professional edition of Visual Studio from Microsoft DreamSpark, if I do, the professional edition will be used to build my next simulators.

  • SwitcherCAD III and the student version of CircuitMaker are free circuit simulators that I will use to test the accuracy and precision of the output of my programs.

General Strategy

I will not wait until I master the subject to begin coding, an early working simulator will boost my self confidence. I have no problem writing throw-away programs just to gain experience.
For the first releases I will not focus on the algorithmic efficiency as much as I will focus on functionality, also the first releases will probably not have a GUI.

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